Executive Traction Labs

Transitioning into a new leadership role is the first step. We help you plan out the next 6 months to ensure your success.

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Why you'd want this

Transitioning into a new leadership role is just the beginning. Our Leadership Transition Lab is your partner in mapping out the critical first six months to ensure your success. Leadership demands can be intricate and essential to get right, and our labs are co-designed with your organisational leaders and stakeholders to address the specific challenges and priorities crucial to your team's success. You'll embark on an immersive, confidential half-day experience, incorporating feedback from key stakeholders and your own insights to create a unique stakeholder engagement plan and strategic roadmap. By participating, you'll gain the personalised support and guidance needed for a seamless transition, ensuring resilience, adaptability, and emotional intelligence as you establish yourself as a top-notch leader.

Where we support

* Personalised Transition Guidance: We provide personalised support and guidance to ensure your success in your new leadership role. * Curated Insights: Our labs offer curated insights to provide a clear understanding of the challenges and opportunities awaiting you in your next chapter. * Stakeholder Engagement Plan: We help you create a well-defined stakeholder engagement plan to position yourself for long-term success. * Strategic Roadmap: Our process results in a strategic roadmap for the first six months, setting a strong foundation for your professional and personal success. * Resilience and Emotional Intelligence: We equip you with the resilience, adaptability, and emotional intelligence necessary to become an exceptional leader and drive positive change in your new role.‍

How it will benefit you

* Seamless Transition: Our support ensures a smooth transition into your new leadership role, providing the foundation for future success. * Clear Vision: You'll gain curated insights to understand what awaits you in your new chapter, ensuring clarity and confidence. * Strategic Positioning: The stakeholder engagement plan and strategic roadmap position you for long-term success in your leadership role. * Top-Notch Leadership: We provide the tools, insights, and emotional intelligence necessary to establish yourself as an exceptional leader. * Positive Change: By participating in our Leadership Transition Lab, you'll drive positive change, not only in your role but also in your organisation, setting the stage for success.‍

Who to talk to at Five

Sally Schmall

Executive Leadership Development Lead
+64 (0) 211 984 625

Nick Mackeson-Smith

Chief Curiosity Officer, Founder and Director
+64 (0) 21 933 397

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